Saturday, July 30, 2016

Blogger App - Instagram

     Hi guys! So, recently I have set up an Instagram for L'Esprit Tranquille called let.peaceofmind - I am still working on a new username, but for now that'll do (since lesprittranquille was already taken...). Pretty much, I will be posting photos I take (my photography), drawings of mine, cool places I go, etc. I am not sure how often I will use this Instagram, since I do have two other Instagrams (my personal and a fun themed one).
     Also, I got the Blogger App so I can blog almost anywhere!! Leggooo!!! I'm so excited! I already tried it out and it works great. I have an HTC phone, so it looks a bit different from the iPhone's app. But it works just the same, if not better! I'm really excited. Anyways. that's all I have for now.

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