Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My Sister Always Gets Her Way

     I am so sick of my sister right now. If she doesn't get her way, she hits me. If she wants me to play with her more, she screams and fusses. If she wants something of mine, she asks my mom for it, even when I have already said no. It bugs me. Mind you, she is younger than me. Her punches don't (usually) hurt. But she is really getting on my nerves lately.
     She is only nice when she wants something. A few minutes ago, she hit me and somehow I got in trouble. Yea. Me? How come? For yelling at her to stop hitting me. Woooow. So dangerous and punish worthy, eh? Right. So anyways, she came up to me just a second ago, while I was cooking rice, and asked in her "princess baby voice", "Could I have some rice, pretty please?". Umm, of course... Not!! First, I don't have any rice left. Second, it's a waste because it has BBQ sause in it and I know she won't eat it. Third, she just hit me! You want me to be kind?! Yea right!! Forget it kid!

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