My Bucket List

These are in no specific order, I just wanted to number them. The ones that have a line through them are the ones that I have already accomplished. Just because I have already done them, doesn't mean I wouldn't do them again... Well... Some of them I wouldn't want to do again.
  1. Take a ride on a camel in the desert.
  2. Write in wet cement.
  3. Cliff Diving.
  4. Read 100 books.
  5. Get lost in a foreign country.
  6. Rope swing into water.
  7. Walk behind a waterfall.
  8. Go on a zip-line.
  9. Write and publish a book.
  10. Go to Hollywood.
  11. Climb a mountain.
  12. Be in two places at once.
  13. See in Northern Lights.
  14. Take a trip in a hot air balloon.
  15. Learn how to skateboard.
  16. Stand on the Golden Gate Bridge.
  17. See the Statue of Liberty.
  18. Get married.
  19. Run a marathon.
  20. Take part in a triathlon.
  21. Experience the perfect sunrise.
  22. Experience the perfect sunset.
  23. Go skiing.
  24. Donate to charity.
  25. Preform 5 random acts of kindness to 5 random strangers without expecting anything in return.
  26. Start a YouTube Channel.
  27. Fill up an entire writing journal/diary.
  28. Host a dinner party.
  29. Host a cookout.
  30. Start a garden.
  31. Go scuba diving/snorkeling.
  32. Go horseback riding.
  33. Dance in the rain.
  34. Witness a solar eclipse.
  35. Go stargazing at the "perfect place".
  36. Get a pet.
  37. Learn a martial art (Taekwondo, Judo, Kendo, Muay Thai, Fecning, etc.)
  38. Go on a road trip.
  39. Create a "dream house".
  40. Fold 1,000 origami and give them to random people or hide them in random public places.
  41. See cherry blossoms in Japan.
  42. Fly First Class.
  43. Visit a volcano.
  44. Fly in a helicopter.
  45. Meet someone you can only dream of meeting (like a famous singer or the president).
  46. Go on a cruise.
  47. Go on a romantic getaway.
  48. Do a somersault.
  49. Visit a castle.
  50. See the Mona Lisa (in Louvre, in Paris).
  51. Fall in love.

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