Saturday, May 28, 2016


Ehehe!! My bestest friend I ever could have possibly asked for asked me out today! I said yes, of course! When you're are so lucky to be dating your best friend... EHEHEHE IM SU HAPPY!!

(edit: He asked me out on May 29th, 2016 at 2:25am but my computer doesn't realize what time zone I am in so it is dating this blog as May 28th, 2016 even though I wrote it on May 29th, 2016 - I am not a time-traveler, thank you)

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Gel Pens + Boredom

So during World History class, people were presenting projects. My friend Hannah decided it was a good idea to give me a sparkly blue gel pen.. Well, I turned myself into some sort of Shadow-Hunter thing. Lol I'm really happy with how it turned out and I need to get myself some gel pens. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Goldfish and AppleJuice

Buy me some goldfish crackers and some apple juice and we can sit on the couch and cuddle while watching a movie lol. That is what I want to do right now. So... You go to the store and I will stay here and pick a movie.. :3


     Why do I get cold like SUPER easily and never have a good jacket?! Like I mean I have about 15 jackets (give or take a few) but about 3 are too small, 2 are way too big like WAY too big, 4 are middle school ones with stains and stuff, and like 2 or 3 are some old jackets (that aren't hoodies) that make me look homeless. I have one good jacket, my white zip-up jacket, but it has a stain on the left arm from where I once fell in a mud puddle. Funny story actually.. I was trying to walk on the side walk and ended up twisting my ankle and falling backwards and I instinctively grabbed my friend Danny. Lol he was like.. um what..? He just kinda stood there like a tree.. Didn't make a move but just let me haul myself up by pulling his arm XD. It was awkward and he laughed at me for falling.. But seriously I have like NO good hoodies. It bugs me because I am ALWAYS cold!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


     So I have this really super awesome online friend named Zack. He is around my age and I thank God that I have found him. We met on Xbox through the clan we are both in. He has helped me so much when I was having doubts, sleeping problems, boy drama, crying, someone to talk to, gaming with me; he has just really been there for me through these tough times I'm going through. I always get close to online friends better than real life (and I know that can be really dangerous) but I feel like I can really trust Zack. He is a really great friend and I really just wanted to acknowledge him and say that I am praying for him to get better with his depression and his ex girlfriend problems or any other difficulties he is going through because he has helped me through so much and I wish I could help him the same way he has helped me.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Anaphylactic Allergies

Anaphylactic Allergies
     Anaphylactic allergies are no joke. I don't see how some people think it's a joke. I have had some people not care about my allergies and just think, "Oh, she is just saying she is allergic because she I doesn't like that food" - Umm.. no. I don't eat these foods because I'm allergic, duh dummy!
     Anaphylactic shock can happen with any allergic food, no matter how severe the food allergy is. But, the high severity of the food allergy, the most likely and anaphylactic shock is to occur.
     I don't think some people understand how severe my allergies are. So I am going to write my allergies and what they will do to me if I have a reaction to them. Take in mind, these are my allergies. Everybody is different. Just because two people have the same allergies, doesn't mean they have the same severity of their allergies.
     My allergies:
1. Peanuts, Nuts, and Tree-nuts - If eaten, I can go into anaphylactic shock, which is pretty much my throat, lips, and face swell up to where I can't breath. If in the air, I can have hives, itchy redness, and a tingly feeling in my throat. Must be hospitalized. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

2. Eggs - If eaten, I can go into anaphylactic shock, which is pretty much my throat, lips, and face swell up to where I can't breath. Also, vomiting, severe stomach pain, itchiness, redness, hives, and dizziness may occur. Most of the time, hospitalized. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

3. Shellfish and Fish (Seafood) - If eaten, vomiting occurs, most of the time, hospitalized. If in the air, I can have hives, itchy redness, dizziness, sick feeling, nauseous, and a tingly feeling in my throat. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

4. Lamb - Unknown for the most part, but all I know is lamb can be deadly and anaphylactic shock may occur. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

5. Lemons - Vomiting and nauseous. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

Thursday, May 5, 2016


     So this is my first post. I just wanna say.. well... Hi xD.
     I'm not too sure what to post in the first post so... I am just gonna say hi.. and pretty much this is just a random blog for when I get bored or I want to just type something or I need help or something. It doesn't really have a "theme", it's just pretty much whatever I decide to post, lol. 
     So.. Yea xD...