Wednesday, May 11, 2016


     Why do I get cold like SUPER easily and never have a good jacket?! Like I mean I have about 15 jackets (give or take a few) but about 3 are too small, 2 are way too big like WAY too big, 4 are middle school ones with stains and stuff, and like 2 or 3 are some old jackets (that aren't hoodies) that make me look homeless. I have one good jacket, my white zip-up jacket, but it has a stain on the left arm from where I once fell in a mud puddle. Funny story actually.. I was trying to walk on the side walk and ended up twisting my ankle and falling backwards and I instinctively grabbed my friend Danny. Lol he was like.. um what..? He just kinda stood there like a tree.. Didn't make a move but just let me haul myself up by pulling his arm XD. It was awkward and he laughed at me for falling.. But seriously I have like NO good hoodies. It bugs me because I am ALWAYS cold!!

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