Sunday, May 8, 2016

Anaphylactic Allergies

Anaphylactic Allergies
     Anaphylactic allergies are no joke. I don't see how some people think it's a joke. I have had some people not care about my allergies and just think, "Oh, she is just saying she is allergic because she I doesn't like that food" - Umm.. no. I don't eat these foods because I'm allergic, duh dummy!
     Anaphylactic shock can happen with any allergic food, no matter how severe the food allergy is. But, the high severity of the food allergy, the most likely and anaphylactic shock is to occur.
     I don't think some people understand how severe my allergies are. So I am going to write my allergies and what they will do to me if I have a reaction to them. Take in mind, these are my allergies. Everybody is different. Just because two people have the same allergies, doesn't mean they have the same severity of their allergies.
     My allergies:
1. Peanuts, Nuts, and Tree-nuts - If eaten, I can go into anaphylactic shock, which is pretty much my throat, lips, and face swell up to where I can't breath. If in the air, I can have hives, itchy redness, and a tingly feeling in my throat. Must be hospitalized. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

2. Eggs - If eaten, I can go into anaphylactic shock, which is pretty much my throat, lips, and face swell up to where I can't breath. Also, vomiting, severe stomach pain, itchiness, redness, hives, and dizziness may occur. Most of the time, hospitalized. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

3. Shellfish and Fish (Seafood) - If eaten, vomiting occurs, most of the time, hospitalized. If in the air, I can have hives, itchy redness, dizziness, sick feeling, nauseous, and a tingly feeling in my throat. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

4. Lamb - Unknown for the most part, but all I know is lamb can be deadly and anaphylactic shock may occur. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

5. Lemons - Vomiting and nauseous. Anaphylactic shock may occur. Note: Just because I do not eat the food, doesn't mean I can't have an anaphylactic or allergic reaction to the food. Some of my allergies are air-born.

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