Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Summer Reading

     I hate reading, don't get me wrong - reading is amazing, I love reading books on my own time, but I absolutely hate forced reading. If I am forced to read a book, I procrastinate so much (like right now, I am supposed to be reading but instead I'm procrastinating by blogging about procrastinating on my Summer Reading). You would think by English 3 they would get rid of Summer Reading. If you are gonna make me read three or four books already in school in a semester whilllllle I'm reading books of my own, don't you think we shouldn't have to read Summer Reading? And the books they pick for Summer Reading, ugh, awful! I have to read a book - about 400 pages, with the font size as small as possible - and it's so... boring... and the writing! Ugh! They use the word "and" too much - WAY too much. Just... UGH!

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