Thursday, August 25, 2016

Update Time! - Summer Reading

     Okay, so you know how I was complaining about summer reading. Well, good news! I didn't die!! I also didn't actually finish the books. So what happened was... One the first day of school (August 15th-ish), I walked into the English classroom and he said, "Pull out some paper and a pencil, you are doing an essay". So pretty much the first two days were essays and then the third day, we had a quiz. On what? Eh, I have forgotten. I think it was on the syllabus or something. Anyways, since I didn't read the books, the first day I bull-crapped my way to writing random stuff... Then the second day, I had gone home and researched the books, I went in there and wrote two essays. I remember they called us to the office in the middle of class to go get English textbooks and I had my friend Conner (not sure how to spell his name, its either Conor, Connor, or Conner, but most of the time we just call him Connie. It's kinda an inside joke) explain the whole book to me in about 5 minutes! I'm honestly not really too sure how I did on the essays. I checked my grades and he never put them in as a grade... Maybe it wasn't graded?

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